Unicrypt (UNC) A Dapp/DAO Stack with Uniswap Analystics Tools

Trien Nguyen
1 min readJun 3, 2021

Low MCAP coin

Introducing UNC Token!

New website Live and Upgraded: https://unicrypt.network

Social: Twitter: https://twitter.com/UNC_token

Discord: https://discord.gg/ZEzwNHR

Tg: https://t.me/unc_token

Dedicated to liquidity and listed on multiple exchanges, the UNC token should have a much higher market cap than its current $350,000.

UNC is the native token for the Unicrypt platform. It is responsive to market conditions, and for use in our ecosystem of DAPPS, staking, voting and decentralised trading tools.

We are a community of developers here to build the tools and tokenomics our community and the crypto space desire.

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation As a stakeholder you have a say in how the URC reserve is used to grow the project. Vote on staking rewards, trading competitions, burns, use the reserve to hire wechat promoters to spread knowledge in Asia. All things are possible.

Available at;

  1. Uniswap https://uniswap.info/token/0xf29e46887ffae92f1ff87dfe39713875da541373
  2. CoinW. https://coinw.to/trade/professional.html?symbol=234
  3. BKEX https://www.bkex.com/trade/UNC_USDT

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xf29e46887ffae92f1ff87dfe39713875da541373

Contact Address: 0xf29e46887FFAE92f1ff87DfE39713875Da541373

